Volunteers prepare to deliver soup during coronavirus pandemic.

Shout out to our Soup Warriors!

From Mike Grimes and Josh Keller who came up with this idea and picked up supplies; to Josh Keller and Tanya Eimberbrink who spent last Friday night making the soup.  Then, we have the group that put soup in containers Saturday and DELIVERED it all to those less fortunate than us.

Thanks, Julie Echterling, Michael and Mary Patrick, Josh and Tanya. Mary Ellen Banks helped take all the requests on the Facebook page and tried to keep it all straight. Thanks to Tanya for putting her cell phone number out for everyone to have now forever and ever, especially when they want chicken corn soup.

Everybody had a piece of putting this together. We delivered over 84 quarts to 38 homes. So many gave us names of their mothers and/or fathers who are disabled and/or are shut-in right now, as well as their neighbors who are not getting out much during these times.

We delivered to so many, but I think the oldest was 94.  And, we delivered to families with young ones.

Members, you should be proud of your Company taking care of your Community.

LCFC Volunteers Answer the Call Again, This Time With Soup