roast beef to-go dinnerVisit Lisburn Community Fire Company Sunday, May 16 and pick up a roast beef to-go dinner to enjoy at home. Service begins at 11:00 a.m. and runs to 1:30 p.m.

The meal includes baked potato, green beans, roll and butter, and a dessert. One donation of $10, or $5 per kid, gets you a hearty roast beef to-go dinner.

Pick up all meals in the Social Hall and please wear a mask. You will help us comply with all state guidelines.

This roast beef dinner, like all fundraising activities, enables us to continue supporting and serving the residents of the Village of Lisburn and Lower Allen, Upper Allen, Monaghan, and Fairview Townships.

We appreciate your generous, continued support during the coronavirus pandemic.

Roast beef to-go dinner set for May 16